Do I need an attorney for a minor car accident in Pennsylvania?

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When running errands or meeting a friend for lunch, the last thing you expect when driving there is to end up in an accident. Though you may be relieved because the accident is seemingly minor, the other driver may ask if you want to handle it without insurance involvement. While it may seem easier to handle it on your own, from a legal perspective, it’s less than ideal. Unfortunately, a seemingly minor car accident can become even worse as injuries develop or damage is more severe than you assumed. As such, it’s imperative to connect with car accident attorneys in Montgomery County who can help you explore your legal options.

What constitutes a minor accident?

In most instances, a minor accident is a collision between two cars that results in no or very mild injuries and minimal damage to the vehicles involved. This includes minor fender-benders, scrapes, dents, or bumps. For example, a car backing into a parking spot very slowly that hits another car would likely be considered a minor accident based on the damage.

It’s important to understand that in Pennsylvania, you are legally required to call the police and report accidents that result in bodily injury or there is damage to the vehicles that prevent them from driving away.

However, you can still have expensive damage to your vehicle that allows you to drive away from the scene, even though it is considered a minor accident. Additionally, though you may not feel symptoms of injuries in the minutes or hours immediately after the collision, you may develop symptoms over time, as not all injuries immediately present themselves.

Why is it important to connect with an attorney?

Though the accident you are involved in may seem minor, as previously mentioned, it may be more severe in reality. The long-term impacts of what you may believe is a minor car accident can be intense, from lost wages as you need to take off time to heal to medical expenses. Unfortunately, failing to connect with an attorney can close you the compensation that you deserve if your injuries or damages prove to be more severe than you initially believed them to be. Additionally, an attorney has the necessary experience to examine the circumstances of an accident and determine whether or not it is actually considered minor.

By contacting an attorney after your accident, you’ll have someone on your side to help take immediate action to help you recover the justice you deserve should issues arise. At Friedman Schuman Layser, our team understands how difficult these matters can be, which is why it’s in your best interest to contact us. We will examine the circumstances of your case to determine the necessary steps to help ensure you are protected. Reach out today to learn why so many in Montgomery County have relied on us to represent them.

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