FSA Secures $600,000 Settlement at Judicial Mediation

FSA Attorney recently secured a $600,000 third-party settlement against an automobile and truck repair shop for negligent repairs causing the client’s single vehicle accident. The client, a 59-year-old former truck driver, was injured in the scope of his employment when the power steering on his employer’s truck failed causing the vehicle to strike a curb. The defendant repair shop failed to properly repair or replace the steering pump, which it knew was defective.

The client sustained a fracture of the third and fourth fingers of the left hand and a torn rotator cuff of the right shoulder. After operative intervention and physical therapy treatment for ten (10) months, the client could not resume his former employment. FSA Attorney had obtained a previous settlement of the workers’ compensation case of $260,000 and Social Security Disability benefits for the client. The total settlement value arising from the accident was $860,000.

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