Erb’s Palsy Attorneys

Serving Pennsylvania & New Jersey
Erb’s Palsy

It is a parent’s greatest wish that their newborn child is born healthy. When something goes wrong, the uncertainty and fear can be overwhelming. It is easier to understand a child’s illness if it is natural. When it is the fault of a doctor, it can be devastating. One common birth injury that may stem from a physician’s negligence is Erb’s Palsy. Erb’s Palsy is a condition that originates from a nerve injury, often caused by difficult deliveries. Other times it is the result of negligence. If your child is diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy and you believe it may be due to the fault of a medical professional, it may be time to consider your legal options. The experienced Erb’s Palsy attorneys at Friedman Schuman Layser can determine whether you have a valid case and fight for maximum compensation if you do. Contact Friedman Schuman Layser today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

What is Erb’s Palsy?

Erb’s Palsy is a condition that describes a nerve injury to a baby’s upper arm. This condition may occur if the delivery was complicated by a breach or transverse birth. When this occurs, there are steps to be taken to avoid injury. There are many ways in which a nerve injury can be avoided. A doctor or nurse should be able to detect if the fetus is in distress or if they are in a position that may make labor difficult. They should be able to determine whether a C-section is necessary because continuing with delivery may be too dangerous for both the mother and the baby. The physician should be well aware that pulling a baby through a birth canal can be incredibly dangerous. Unfortunately, there are times when a physician takes actions that are considered negligent, including pulling on the baby’s arm too much. When a doctor is at fault and causes a birth injury, it is important that those impacted hold them responsible.

The effects of Erb’s Palsy

Often, children with Erb’s Palsy will undergo surgery and physical therapy to treat the condition. Luckily in most cases, Erb’s Palsy can be treated and is often not permanent. Though it is rare, some infants with severe cases of Erb’s Palsy may be subject to lifelong issues with the nerve-damaged arm. Of course, surgery and years of physical therapy can be incredibly expensive and may impose financial strain on families affected by this preventable condition.

Contact Friedman Schuman Layser

If your child has been the victim of a physician’s negligence that resulted in Erb’s Palsy, you may be entitled to bring a lawsuit and to recover damages for the effects on your family. The skilled attorneys at Friedman Schuman Layser have over 40 years of experience defending clients who have been impacted by medical malpractice. Our firm understands the devastation that can come with a birth injury. We are here to help. Contact Friedman Schuman Layser today to schedule a free consultation.

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